Thursday, July 25, 2013

Forced to be a T-Rex fan

Okay, many of you that know me know that my sweet hubby refers to me as his "T-Rex". Now...he says it's because my arms are short..and yes, he does that thing where he tucks his elbows into his sides and flails his forearms to demonstrate. :-)  In fact, I can count on a laugh from a cartoon or some other clip of a T-Rex several days out of the week! Personally, I think his view may be somewhat distorted because he is 6'3" with "freakishly long arms" but that's okay...we'll let him think he's the normal one. ;-)

Well, I just want you to know that convention didn't slow him down at all! We went down to get some candy from this amazing candy tower  at JouJou Toy Shop in our hotel and, while we were checking out, he was looking at my phone. I assumed one of the girls had texted so thought nothing of it. On our way back to the room, I got a text...I looked at my phone and noticed my new wallpaper that I just have to share...
I laughed out loud...This little guy was sitting by the cash register at the toy shop! Have I changed it back to my pretty flowers? No, I can't. We save our memories in all kinds of different ways...this one is a wallpaper..every time I turn my phone on it makes me smile.

What are some "different" ways you hold on to memories?

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